
New in version 2.1: This constraint is new in version 2.1.

This validates that an input value is equal to the current authenticated user’s password. This is useful in a form where a user can change his password, but needs to enter his old password for security.


This should not be used validate a login form, since this is done automatically by the security system.

When applied to an array (or Traversable object), this constraint allows you to apply a collection of constraints to each element of the array.

Applies to property or method
Class Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\UserPassword
Validator Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Validator\Constraint\UserPasswordValidator

Basic Usage

Suppose you have a PasswordChange class, that’s used in a form where the user can change his password by entering his old password and a new password. This constraint will validate that the old password matches the user’s current password:

  • YAML
    # src/UserBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml
                - UserPassword:
                    message: "Wrong value for your current password"
  • Annotations
    // src/Acme/UserBundle/Form/Model/ChangePassword.php
    namespace Acme\UserBundle\Form\Model;
    use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints as Assert;
    class ChangePassword
         * @Assert\UserPassword(
         *     message = "Wrong value for your current password"
         * )
         protected $oldPassword;



type: message default: This value should be the user current password

This is the message that’s displayed when the underlying string does not match the current user’s password.