Injecting variables into all templates (i.e. Global Variables)

Sometimes you want a variable to be accessible to all the templates you use. This is possible inside your app/config/config.yml file:

# app/config/config.yml
    # ...
        ga_tracking: UA-xxxxx-x

Now, the variable ga_tracking is available in all Twig templates:

<p>Our google tracking code is: {{ ga_tracking }} </p>

It’s that easy! You can also take advantage of the built-in Service Parameters system, which lets you isolate or reuse the value:

; app/config/parameters.yml
    ga_tracking: UA-xxxxx-x
# app/config/config.yml
        ga_tracking: %ga_tracking%

The same variable is available exactly as before.

More Complex Global Variables

If the global variable you want to set is more complicated - say an object - then you won’t be able to use the above method. Instead, you’ll need to create a Twig Extension and return the global variable as one of the entries in the getGlobals method.